Static Posturography / Stabilometry Solution
for Balance Assessment and Rehabilitation
Postura from Cyclops Medtech is a futuristic static posturography / stabilometry platform which comprises of all the diagnostic protocols and dozens of rehabilitation modules. The CE marked hardware platform is sleek and portable, yet robust and rugged. The software is intuitively designed, easy to use and provides in depth reports as well as detailed diagnostic pointers and references to relevant publications for each condition.
Applications across Neurotology, Neurology and Orthopedics.
Examine standing patient's ability to maintain balance when various sensory inputs are manipulated.
Differentiate the contributions of visual, vestibular and proprioceptive systems to a patient's balance.
Measure sway degree and angle of sway.
Perform a robust fall risk assessment in elderly patients.
Rehabilitate balance disordered patients through a series of weight shifting exercises and games in a measurable and interactive manner.
Core Features
Sleek and portable hardware with power packed capabilities.
Could be integrated with dynamic posturography (CDP) in future thus reducing overall investment in CDP.
Intuitive software with easy-to-use interface.
Normative data for all tests with clear pointers to easily arrive at diagnostic conclusions.
Easy to understand diagnostic reports and recovery progress charts.
Customizable protocols.
Automation of rehab protocols.
Easy integration with virtual reality.

Diagnostic Protocols
Modified Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction and Balance (mCTSIB)
Limits of Stability (LOS)
Balance Error Scoring System
Rhythmic Weight Shift
Romberg Test
Unilateral Stance
Fall Risk Assessment
Body Sway
Rehabilitation Protocols
Sagital and Antero Posterior bars
Routes Bars (square, maze, spiral, bars)
Routes Shapes (square, circle, eight, spiral)
Following points (static and dynamic)
Visual Stimulus (Spiderweb, tunnel, dots pattern, bars pattern)
2D and 3D interactive balance games
Limits of stability training