Dizziness need not have to be devastating
Dizziness is often one of the earliest signs of catastrophic neurological events like strokes and tumors (central). It can also be a symptom of benign events like vertigo (peripheral). Through differential diagnosis of dizziness gives clinicians an opportunity to effectively treat both central and peripheral causes.
At Cyclops Medtech, we have built an entire portfolio of vestibular solutions in the areas of Neurotology, Neurology, Physical Therapy, Audiology and Ophthalmology. Our products such as videonystagmography (VNG) / video-oculography (VOG), video head impulse test (vHIT), dynamic visual acuity (DVA), stabilometry platform, virtual reality based vestibular rehabilitation (VRT), smart balance board etc can help you effectively diagnose and treat dizziness and balance disorders, measure dynamic visual acuity, train sports persons and do a lot more. It lets you add a whole new evidence based assessment and therapy tools to your practice.
Solutions Across Specialties

Perform differential diagnosis of dizzy patient and provide comprehensive therapy.

Perform differential diagnosis of dizzy patient and capture central abnormalities at a early stage.

Expand portfolio of services. Setup and run a comprehensive vestibular lab.

Integrate vestibular and balance rehabilitation to your portfolio of services.

Get more out of annual vision check ups by adding dynamic vision testing.

Help in early diagnosis of dizzy patients by being a part of our referral network.